Pastoral Care

Burdekin Catholic High School places a great emphasis on the pastoral care of all students and the School is renowned for its positive family atmosphere. 

This is in keeping with its motto: ‘One in Christ’.  When all live by this motto, we each accept others as members of our family and care for others in the same way we care for those in our home.

Our pastoral care framework encourages partnership between students, staff and parents/caregivers to enhancing our students' sense of belonging and sense of security.  We work in partnership with our parents to ensure every student is nurtured, and challenges are overcome together.

While every member of the school staff, and indeed every student, has a responsibility towards others in the BCHS community, the Pastoral Team has a special commitment towards meeting the pastoral needs of all students.  The Pastoral Team consists of:

  • Assistant Principal - Pastoral;
  • Pastoral Leaders
  • Guidance Counsellor
  • School Chaplain
  • First Nations' Teacher.

In addition the school has a Learning Enrichment Team responsible for the curriculum support of diverse learners.

A Pastoral Leader is appointed for each Year Level.  The Pastoral Leader is responsible for overseeing the wellbeing of all students in the year level.

The School Chaplain is financially supported by the Commonwealth Government’s Chaplaincy in Schools program.  Each year, the school provides feedback to the Government on the success, or otherwise, of the program.  Parents and students are invited to provide feedback to the school on the Chaplaincy in Schools program.

The First Nations' Teacher has a team to support the welfare of first nations' students in the school and to attain the aim that each first nations' student graduates from Year 12 with opportunities for further study or suitable work.  The School Elder, an Advisory Committee and community and school personnel assist with a mentoring program to achieve the school indigenous objectives.

Central to our pastoral care program is a House structure to enable each student to be supported with their learning and well-being. Our House system is central to the formation of our students and a central aspect of daily, cocurricular and general activity life at BCHS.  There are three houses, named after significant figures in the school history.

  • Clarence House is named after Br Clarence Cunningham – the founding Principal.
  • Marcellin House is named after St Marcellin Champagnat – the founder of the Marist Brothers.
  • Polding House is named after Bishop Polding – the first Catholic Bishop of Australia and the founder of the Good Samaritan Order

Each House is represented in each year level with groupings into a Home Room.  Each Home Room is supported by a Home Room Teacher.  The Home Room Teacher is a point of communication between school and home, and fosters the personal growth of all students in group.  Students remain with their House Group throughout their time at BCHS.

Our school’s Pastoral Structure is complemented by a well-developed relationship with supporting professionals in the Burdekin and Townsville district.  Referrals can be made to Rural Health, consulting Psychologists, Doctors or Paediatricians.  These can be arranged through the school with parent permission, and the school assists with payments where there is the financial need.


45 Gibson Street,
Ayr Qld 4807

P (07) 4783 2366
F Visit BCHS' Facebook Page


We are in week 9 of Term 1
There are 10 weeks in Term 1