School Bus Service

School Bus Service

Trans North Buses operates varies bus services from surrounding areas of our school.  For more information:

Burdekin Catholic High School operates its own private bus service for use by students travelling to and from school and for other school related activities such as excursions.

The school runs a bus service in South Burdekin for families who are unable to access any of the local Trans North bus services. From 2025, this will incur a minor cost to assist in the maintenance and operational costs of the buses. Families are contacted early in the year to identify the families that wish to use this service. If a family wishes to access the service, the cost will apply for the semester regardless of the period of use by a student. Currently, our bus service provides routes in the Gumlu; Home Hill; Osbourne and Kirknie areas.

The College adheres to the Queensland Government Code of Conduct for School Students Travelling on Buses as well as incorporating our own policies and procedures in relation to the use of its private bus service. It is School policy that seatbelts must be worn at all times. This is in compliance with Queensland Transport legislated requirements.


45 Gibson Street,
Ayr Qld 4807

P (07) 4783 2366
F Visit BCHS' Facebook Page


We are in week 9 of Term 1
There are 10 weeks in Term 1