P & F Association

The Parents and Friends Association is active within the school community working for the betterment of the school.  The association provides an opportunity for the exchange of ideas and actions that will benefit the school and the education of its students.

The Parents and Friends Association continually calls for new members and welcomes the active interest and support of all parents. Each year, the P&F conducts various fund-raising and social activities such as catering at the Ayr Show, catering at the Pioneer Christmas Party, participating in Rotary Art Unions and generating the BCHS Debutante Ball, as well as welcoming new parents to the school.  These occasions provide a great opportunity for parents to get involved and to meet other like-minded parents.

The P&F also manages the school tuckshop and is always on the lookout for generous volunteers to assist by offering two or so hours of volunteer tuckshop work once a month or more frequently if able to.

A couple of times a year, the P&F organizes working bees at the school to assist with task that cannot easily be met in the day-to-day activities of the school. Notice of meetings of the Association appears on the School’s Calendar.  Meetings are held the 2nd Monday of each month at 6pm in the school’s Administration Building.  The AGM is always held on the second Monday in March.


45 Gibson Street,
Ayr Qld 4807

P (07) 4783 2366
F (07) 4783 1579
E bchs@tsv.catholic.edu.au
F Visit BCHS' Facebook Page


We are in week 7 of school holidays
Term 1 starts Tuesday 28 January 2025